Wednesday, February 01, 2006

6 Weeks from Surgery

It has been 6 weeks since surgery, and for the most part I am progressing quite nicely. My infection has almost cleared up. One more day of antibiotics!!!

I went to physical therapy yesterday and it was hard to feel smooth on the olyptical machine, but after about 5 minutes, my knee and muscles loosened up. I added the leg press to my workout routine. That is a big step. I now have 4 different weight machines that I am doing.

Today I did my exercises at home, and it only took about 30 seconds on the bike before my knee was loose. I think that the infection tightened up my knee joint, and I am just now coming out of it. I think that by Friday this week, I will be back to where I was last Friday.... mentally that is tough, but at least I am back to progressing. I was a bit worried when I saw no improvement, but now I am feeling more at ease.

So, anyway, back to working out today. I did the leg press, the hamstring curl, and the calf raises at home on my Bowflex machine. All with really low weights and it felt great!!!

I am not walking with my normal gait.... once the infection is cleared and the knee joint is loosened, I think I will be walking normally!!

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